For me in 2013:
1. No more drama!
2. If you don’t enrich my life (spiritually, mentally, educationally); if you cannot be my friend because you accept me as I am,faults and all, you are gone. I refuse to carry any dead weight on my back for another year!
3. Endeavor to improve my writing skills!
4. Secure a job I WANT to actually be doing!
5. Continue to work a good, healthy program.
6. Continue to let my friends know that I value their friendship.
7. Not be silenced, subjugated, bullied, or forced into political submission by/to the forces of evil.
8. Do what I can to improve the lot of my fellow mankind.
9. My abilities have value and I will act accordingly.
10. I will NOT listen to ANY “auto tune” produced music.
**** When Jimmy Page tours this year, I WILL be there! *****